25. septembris

Notikumi citās valodās

2016 В Дагестане в ДТП погибли семь человек

2016 ISIS suicide bomber blows himself up in Baghdad. At least 7 people killed, 28 others injured

Wszystkie 38 osób na pokładzie zginęło w katastrofie lecącego z Malagi do Melilli samolotu BAe 146 hiszpańskich regionalnych linii lotniczych PauknAir1998 Wszystkie 38 osób na pokładzie zginęło w katastrofie lecącego z Malagi do Melilli samolotu BAe 146 hiszpańskich regionalnych linii lotniczych PauknAir

Lolita (1997 film)1997 Lolita (1997 film)

38 republican prisoners escaped from the the Maze prison. It was the largest prison escape in British history1983 38 republican prisoners escaped from the the Maze prison. It was the largest prison escape in British history

Pacific Southwest Airlines-Flug 1821978 Pacific Southwest Airlines-Flug 182

1972 The people of Norway in referendum rejected membership of the European Community

The Yardbirds1963 The Yardbirds

1944 The British 1st Airborne Division withdraw from Arnhem. The German Army took many prisoners

1944 56. dzień powstania warszawskiego

1941 Niemcy rozstrzelali 575 Żydów w Jaszunach koło Wilna

Carpet bombing of Warsaw1939 Carpet bombing of Warsaw

1928 Powstało amerykańskie przedsiębiorstwo telekomunikacyjne Motorola

1897 Britain’s first motorized bus service began in Bradford

1818 The first blood transfusion using human blood took place at Guy's Hospital in London

1791 It snowed in London - the earliest recorded autumn fall since 1791

1789 Генерал-майор русской армии Дон Хосе де Рибас взял турецкую крепость Хаджи-Бей (будущую Одессу)

Powstanie Chmielnickiego: klęska wojsk polskich w bitwie pod Piławcami.1648 Powstanie Chmielnickiego: klęska wojsk polskich w bitwie pod Piławcami.

1356 Ottoman Emperor Bayezid I defeats a Christian army at the Battle of Nicopolis

1237 England and Scotland signed the Treaty of York, establishing the location of a common border

King Harold II defeated King of Norway's forces at the Battle of Stamford Bridge, Yorkshire, to repel Viking invaders1066 King Harold II defeated King of Norway's forces at the Battle of Stamford Bridge, Yorkshire, to repel Viking invaders


Andrievs Niedra1942 Andrievs Niedra (71 gadi)

Endijs  Viljamss2012 Endijs Viljamss (84 gadi)

Mary Astor1987 Mary Astor (81 gadi)

Jūda Krēmers1979 Jūda Krēmers (72 gadi)

Rudīte Armanoviča2013 Rudīte Armanoviča (73 gadi)