Charles Frederick

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Karl Friedrich, Charles Friedrich, Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach
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Charles Friedrich, Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach (German: Karl Friedrich, Großherzog Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach) (2 February 1783 – 8 July 1853) was a Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach.


Born in Weimar, he was the eldest son of Charles Augustus, Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach and Luise Auguste of Hesse-Darmstadt.

Charles Frederick succeeded his famous father as Grand Duke when he died, in 1828. His capital, Weimar, continued to be a cultural center of Central Europe, even after the death of Goethe, in 1832. Johann Nepomuk Hummel made his career in Weimar as Kapellmeister until his death in 1837. Franz Liszt settled in Weimar in 1848 as Kapellmeister and gathered about him a circle that kept the Weimar court a major musical centre. Due to the intervention of Liszt, the composer Richard Wagner found refuge in Weimar after he was forced to flee Saxony for his role in the revolutionary disturbances there in 1848-49. Wagner's opera Lohengrin was first performed in Weimar in August 1850.

Charles Frederick died at Schloss Belvedere, Weimar, in 1853 and was buried in the Weimarer Fürstengruft.

Family and children

In St. Petersburg on 3 August 1804, Charles Frederick married the Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna of Russia, daughter of Emperor Paul I.[1][2] They had four children:

  • Paul Alexander Karl Constantin Frederick August (b. Weimar, 25 September 1805 – d. Weimar, 10 April 1806).
  • Marie Luise Alexandrine (b. Weimar, 3 February 1808 – d. Berlin, 18 January 1877), married on 26 May 1827 to Karl of Prussia.
  • Marie Luise Augusta Katharine (b. Weimar, 30 September 1811 – d. Berlin, 7 January 1890), married on 11 June 1829 to Wilhelm of Prussia, who became Wilhelm I, German Emperor.
  • Karl Alexander August Johann, Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach (b. Weimar, 24 June 1818 – d. Weimar, 5 January 1901), married on 8 October 1842 to Sophie of the Netherlands.


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        Relation nameRelation typeBirth DateDeath dateDescription
        Paul Alexander Karl Constantin Frederick AugustSon25.09.180510.04.1806
        2Karl Alexander August JohannKarl Alexander August JohannSon24.06.181805.01.1901
        3Marie Luise AlexandrineMarie Luise AlexandrineDaughter03.02.180818.01.1877
        4Marie Luise Augusta KatharineMarie Luise Augusta KatharineDaughter30.09.181107.01.1890
        5Maria  PavlovnaMaria PavlovnaWife04.02.178611.06.1859
        6Paul IPaul IFather in-law01.10.175423.03.1801
        7Maria FeodorovnaMaria FeodorovnaMother in-law14.10.175924.10.1828
        8Anna PavlovnaAnna PavlovnaSister in-law18.01.179501.03.1865
        9Елена  ПавловнаЕлена ПавловнаSister in-law17.12.178424.09.1803
        10Екатерина ПавловнаЕкатерина ПавловнаSister in-law10.05.178809.01.1819
        11Nicholas I of RussiaNicholas I of RussiaBrother in-law06.07.179618.02.1855
        12Михаил ПавловичМихаил ПавловичBrother in-law08.02.179828.08.1849
        13Константин ПавловичКонстантин ПавловичBrother in-law27.04.177915.06.1831
        14Alexander I of RussiaAlexander I of RussiaBrother in-law12.12.177719.11.1825
        15Nicholas  MikhailovichNicholas MikhailovichGrandson14.04.185930.01.1919
        16Великий Князь Георгий МихайловичВеликий Князь Георгий МихайловичGrandson23.08.186330.01.1919
        17Alexander IIIAlexander IIIGrandson10.03.184501.11.1894
        18Paul  AlexandrovichPaul AlexandrovichGrandson03.10.186030.01.1919
        19Grand Duke Alexander MikhailovichGrand Duke Alexander MikhailovichGrandson13.04.186626.02.1933
        20Владимир АлександровичВладимир АлександровичGrandson10.04.184704.02.1909
        21Дмитрий Константинович РомановДмитрий Константинович РомановGrandson01.06.186030.01.1919
        22Анастасия МихайловнаАнастасия МихайловнаGranddaughter28.07.186011.03.1922
        23Princess LouisePrincess LouiseGranddaughter03.12.183823.04.1923
        24Boris  Wladimirowitsch RomanowBoris Wladimirowitsch RomanowGreat grandson24.11.187709.11.1943
        25князь Георгий Максимилианович Романовскийкнязь Георгий Максимилианович РомановскийGreat grandson29.02.185203.05.1912
        26Dmitri  PavlovichDmitri PavlovichGreat grandson06.09.189105.03.1942
        27Grand Duke Nicholas  Nikolaevich of RussiaGrand Duke Nicholas Nikolaevich of RussiaGreat grandson18.11.185605.01.1929
        28Великий князь Пётр НиколаевичВеликий князь Пётр НиколаевичGreat grandson10.01.186417.06.1931
        29Кирилл ВладимировичКирилл ВладимировичGreat grandson12.10.187612.10.1938
        30Nikolajs II RomanovsNikolajs II RomanovsGreat grandson19.05.186817.07.1918
        31Andrei  VladimirovichAndrei VladimirovichGreat grandson02.05.187930.10.1956
        32George VIGeorge VIGreat grandson14.12.189506.02.1952
        33Prince Christopher  of Greece and DenmarkPrince Christopher of Greece and DenmarkGreat grandson10.08.188821.01.1940
        34Prince Andrew of  Greece and DenmarkPrince Andrew of Greece and DenmarkGreat grandson02.02.188203.12.1944
        35Князь Андрей АлександровичКнязь Андрей АлександровичGreat grandson24.01.189708.05.1981
        36Сергей  РомановСергей РомановGreat grandson11.05.185717.02.1905
        37Prince AlfredPrince AlfredGreat grandson15.10.187406.02.1899
        38Князь Дмитрий АлександровичКнязь Дмитрий АлександровичGreat grandson15.08.190107.07.1980
        39Князь Никита АлександровичКнязь Никита АлександровичGreat grandson16.01.190012.09.1974
        40Сергей АлександровичСергей АлександровичGreat grandson11.05.185717.02.1905
        41Александр ИскандерАлександр ИскандерGreat grandson15.11.188726.01.1957
        42Vladimir  PaleyVladimir PaleyGreat grandson09.01.189718.07.1918
        43Mikhail Aleksandrovich RomanovMikhail Aleksandrovich RomanovGreat grandson04.12.187813.06.1918
        44Prince Vasili AlexandrovichPrince Vasili AlexandrovichGreat grandson07.07.190724.06.1989
        45Prince Nicholas of  Greece and DenmarkPrince Nicholas of Greece and DenmarkGreat grandson22.01.187208.02.1938
        46Constantine I of GreeceConstantine I of GreeceGreat grandson02.08.186811.01.1923
        47Ростислав АлександровичРостислав АлександровичGreat grandson24.11.190231.07.1978
        48Alexandrine  of Mecklenburg-SchwerinAlexandrine of Mecklenburg-SchwerinGreat granddaughter24.12.187912.12.1952
        49Victoria of BadenVictoria of BadenGreat granddaughter07.08.186204.04.1930
        50Marie of RomaniaMarie of RomaniaGreat granddaughter29.10.187518.07.1938
        51Ольга  РомановаОльга РомановаGreat granddaughter13.06.188224.11.1960
        52Cecilie  Mecklenburg Schwerin, DuchessCecilie Mecklenburg Schwerin, DuchessGreat granddaughter20.09.188606.05.1954
        53Nadejda MountbattenNadejda MountbattenGreat granddaughter28.03.189622.01.1963
        54Alexandra  GeorgievnaAlexandra GeorgievnaGreat granddaughter30.08.187024.09.1891
        55Anastasia de TorbyAnastasia de TorbyGreat granddaughter09.09.189207.12.1977
        56Empress Alexandra  FeodorovnaEmpress Alexandra FeodorovnaGreat granddaughter06.06.187217.07.1918
        57Grand Duchess Elena VladimirovnaGrand Duchess Elena VladimirovnaGreat granddaughter17.03.188213.03.1957
        58Natalia PaleyNatalia PaleyGreat granddaughter05.12.190527.12.1981
        59Irina Alexandrovna of RussiaIrina Alexandrovna of RussiaGreat granddaughter03.07.189526.02.1970
        60Princess Xenia  Georgievna of RussiaPrincess Xenia Georgievna of RussiaGreat granddaughter22.08.190317.09.1965
        61Princess Nina GeorgievnaPrincess Nina GeorgievnaGreat granddaughter20.06.190127.02.1974
        62Grand Duchess Maria PavlovnaGrand Duchess Maria PavlovnaGreat granddaughter18.04.189013.12.1958
        63Princess Maria of Greece and DenmarkPrincess Maria of Greece and DenmarkGreat granddaughter03.03.187614.12.1940
        64Великая княгиня Ксения АлександровнаВеликая княгиня Ксения АлександровнаGreat granddaughter06.04.187520.04.1960
        65Maria AlexandrovnaMaria AlexandrovnaGreat granddaughter17.10.185324.10.1920

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