Wilhelmine Baden, Princess

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Вильгельмина Баденская Луиза Баденская Wilhelmine Luise von Baden
Grand Ducal Burial Vault

Princess Wilhelmine of Baden (21 September 1788 – 27 January 1836), was by birth Princess of Baden and by marriage Grand Duchess consort of Hesse and the Rhine.

She was the youngest daughter of Charles Louis, Hereditary Prince of Baden and Amalia of Hesse-Darmstadt.


In Karlsruhe on 19 June 1804, Wilhelmine married the then Hereditary Prince Louis of Hesse-Darmstadt. The union proved to be unhappy due to Louis' affairs, and they separated after the birth of her three older children.

In 1820 she acquired the Heiligenberg Castle, where she met her chamberlain Baron August von Senarclens de Grancy, with whom she maintained a longtime affair; her last four children, including Alexander and Marie, were believed to have been fathered by Senarclens de Grancy, although they were recognized by Grand Duke Louis II as his own. In 1830, following her father-in-law's death, she became in Grand Duchess consort of Hesse and the Rhine.


  • Prince Ludwig of Hesse-Darmstadt (9 June 1806 – 13 June 1877); (the future Grand Duke).
  • Stillborn son (18 August 1807).
  • Prince Karl Wilhelm Ludwig of Hesse-Darmstadt (23 April 1809 – 20 March 1877).
  • Princess Amalia Elisabeth Luise Karoline Friederike Wilhelmine of Hesse-Darmstadt (20 May 1821 – 27 May 1826).
  • Stillborn daughter (7 June 1822).
  • Prince Alexander Ludwig Georg Friedrich Emil of Hesse-Darmstadt (15 July 1823 – 15 December 1888)
  • Princess Maximiliane Wilhelmine Auguste Sophie Marie of Hesse-Darmstadt (8 August 1824 – 3 June 1880); the future Empress consort of Tsar Alexander II of Russia.

Her descendants included both Tsar Nicholas II of Russia, and his wife, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, as well as Lord Louis Mountbatten, Earl of Burma, and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.

Titles and styles

  • 21 September 1788 - 19 June 1804: Her Serene Highness Princess Wilhelmine of Baden
  • 19 June 1804 - 13 August 1806: Her Serene Highness The Hereditary Landgravine of Hesse-Darmstadt
  • 13 August 1806 - 6 April 1830: Her Royal Highness The Hereditary Grand Duchess of Hesse and by Rhine
  • 6 April 1830 - 27 January 1836: Her Royal Highness The Grand Duchess of Hesse and by Rhine

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        Relation nameRelation typeBirth DateDeath dateDescription
        1Louis IIILouis IIISon09.06.180613.06.1877
        2Карл ГессенскийКарл ГессенскийSon23.04.180920.03.1877
        3Maria  AlexandrovnaMaria AlexandrovnaDaughter08.08.182403.06.1880
        4Карл  Великий герцог БаденскийКарл Великий герцог БаденскийBrother08.06.178608.12.1818
        5Elizabeth  AlexeievnaElizabeth AlexeievnaSister24.01.177916.05.1826
        6Людвиг II Гессен-Дармштадтский и ПрирейнскийЛюдвиг II Гессен-Дармштадтский и ПрирейнскийHusband26.12.177716.06.1848
        7Louis II Hesse, Grand DukeLouis II Hesse, Grand DukeHusband, Cousin26.12.177716.06.1848
        8Жозефина БаденскаяЖозефина БаденскаяNiece21.10.181319.06.1900
        9Alexander IIAlexander IISon in-law29.04.181813.03.1881
        10Матильда Каролина БаварскаяМатильда Каролина БаварскаяDaughter in-law30.08.181325.05.1862
        11Елизавета ПрусскаяЕлизавета ПрусскаяDaughter in-law18.06.181521.03.1885
        12Стефания де БогарнеСтефания де БогарнеSister in-law28.08.178929.01.1860
        13Alexander I of RussiaAlexander I of RussiaBrother in-law12.12.177719.11.1825
        14Сергей АлександровичСергей АлександровичGrandson11.05.185717.02.1905
        15Paul  AlexandrovichPaul AlexandrovichGrandson03.10.186030.01.1919
        16Владимир АлександровичВладимир АлександровичGrandson10.04.184704.02.1909
        17Alexander IIIAlexander IIIGrandson10.03.184501.11.1894
        18Louis IVLouis IVGrandson12.09.183713.03.1892
        19Сергей  РомановСергей РомановGrandson11.05.185717.02.1905
        20Maria AlexandrovnaMaria AlexandrovnaGranddaughter17.10.185324.10.1920
        21Vladimir  PaleyVladimir PaleyGreat grandson09.01.189718.07.1918
        22Кирилл ВладимировичКирилл ВладимировичGreat grandson12.10.187612.10.1938
        23Mikhail Aleksandrovich RomanovMikhail Aleksandrovich RomanovGreat grandson04.12.187813.06.1918
        24Andrei  VladimirovichAndrei VladimirovichGreat grandson02.05.187930.10.1956
        25Всеволод  РомановВсеволод РомановGreat grandson20.01.191418.06.1973
        26Nikolajs II RomanovsNikolajs II RomanovsGreat grandson19.05.186817.07.1918
        27Dmitri  PavlovichDmitri PavlovichGreat grandson06.09.189105.03.1942
        28Boris  Wladimirowitsch RomanowBoris Wladimirowitsch RomanowGreat grandson24.11.187709.11.1943
        29Георг IIГеорг IIGreat grandson19.07.189001.04.1947
        30Prince AlfredPrince AlfredGreat grandson15.10.187406.02.1899
        31Edward  VIIIEdward VIIIGreat grandson23.06.189428.05.1972
        32Marie of RomaniaMarie of RomaniaGreat granddaughter29.10.187518.07.1938
        33Helen of Greece and DenmarkHelen of Greece and DenmarkGreat granddaughter02.05.189628.11.1982
        34Natālija AndrosovaNatālija AndrosovaGreat granddaughter23.02.191725.07.1999
        35Empress Alexandra  FeodorovnaEmpress Alexandra FeodorovnaGreat granddaughter06.06.187217.07.1918
        36Виктория Гессен-ДармштадтскаяВиктория Гессен-ДармштадтскаяGreat granddaughter05.04.186324.09.1950
        37Natalia PaleyNatalia PaleyGreat granddaughter05.12.190527.12.1981
        38Grand Duchess Maria PavlovnaGrand Duchess Maria PavlovnaGreat granddaughter18.04.189013.12.1958
        39Елизавета ФёдоровнаЕлизавета ФёдоровнаGreat granddaughter01.11.186418.07.1918
        40Ольга  РомановаОльга РомановаGreat granddaughter13.06.188224.11.1960
        41Великая княгиня Ксения АлександровнаВеликая княгиня Ксения АлександровнаGreat granddaughter06.04.187520.04.1960
        42Grand Duchess Elena VladimirovnaGrand Duchess Elena VladimirovnaGreat granddaughter17.03.188213.03.1957
        43Надежда  РомановаНадежда РомановаGreat granddaughter15.03.189821.04.1988

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