Christian Waldemar

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Krišjānis Valdemārs, Christian Woldemar
Businessman, Politician, Public figure, Publisher, Publisher, Scientist, Teacher, lecturer
Riga Great cemetery / Lielie kapi

Krišjānis Valdemārs (also spelt Christian Waldemar or Woldemar) (December 2, 1825 at "Vecjunkuri" in the Ārlava parish (now Valdgale parish, Courland, Latvia) – December 7, 1891 in Moscow, Russia) was a writer, editor, educator, politician, lexicographer, folklorist and economist, the spiritual leader of the first Latvian National Awakening and the most prominent member of the Young Latvia movement.


Krišjānis Valdemārs was born in December 2, 1825 at "Vecjunkuri" homestead, Ārlava parish (now Valdgale parish, Courland, Latvia). He was the son of a Lutheran curate Mārtiņš Valdemārs. He graduated local parish school and worked as teacher in Sasmaka (now Valdemārpils). Later he worked as parish secretary in Rundāle and Ēdole parish. In 1854 he graduated gymnasium in Liepāja and started his studies in University of Tartu (then Dorpat). His main subject and interest were economics. While studying he became known with first public declaration of nationality. He affixed a carte de visite to his door that read "C. Woldemar stud. cam. Latweetis." At the time, it was almost unheard of for an educated person to call himself a Latvian; education meant Germanisation, and Valdemārs' act has been compared to Martin Luther's posting of the 95 Theses to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg in its importance for Latvian nationalism. Valdemārs is seen as the spiritual father of the Awakening. With Juris Alunāns, he led Latvian student gatherings while at Tartu and advocated the study of folklore.

After graduation in 1858 he moved to St.Petersburg and worked as a clerk in Ministry of Finance. Also he was a correspondent in local German language newspaper "St. Petersburgische Zeitung". In 1862 he became editor and main publisher of a Latvian newspaper Pēterburgas Avīzes which was hitherto most radical Latvian newspaper. It strongly opposed against Baltic German rule and remains of feudalism in Baltic provinces. Newspaper became main platform to Young Latvian ideas. It was closed by Russian authorities in 1865.

In 1864 Valdemārs helped to establish first Latvian naval school in Ainaži. Many other Latvian naval schools was established during next years in the coastal towns of Latvia. It had big influence on local economy and culture because hundreds of Latvian peasant son's had chance to get education for free and becoming captains or steersman's. It led to Age of a sailers in Latvia as active shipbuilding started in coastal towns and villages and those Latvian built, Latvian owned and crewed ships became the first national merchant fleet which even was involved in trans atlantic voyages.

In later life Valdemārs was mostly involved in polemics with Baltic Germans, popularized seafaring and edited first Latvian naval dictionary . Valdemārs died in 7th. December 1891 in Moscow. He is buried at the Riga Great Cemetery. One of the main streets in Riga is named in his name.




        Relation nameRelation typeBirth DateDeath dateDescription
        Mārtiņš ValdemārsFather00.00.1853
        Indriķis ValdemārsBrother16.08.181920.10.1880
        3Marija Valdemāre - MedinskaMarija Valdemāre - MedinskaSister05.09.183000.00.1888
        Luīze ValdemāreWife30.11.184100.00.1914
        5Bruno DalvicsBruno DalvicsNephew29.09.188225.05.1937
        Jēkabs ValdemārsGrandfather

        05.01.1822 | Iznāk latviešu laikraksta "Latviešu Avīzes" pirmais numurs

        Laikraksts pastāv līdz 1915. gadam, kad Kurzemē Krievijas okupāciju nomaina iebrukusī Vācijas armija

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        14.07.1862 | Sāk iznākt "Pēterburgas Avīzes"

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        23.11.1864 | Tiek dibināta Ainažu jūrskola

        Ainažu jūrskola bija pirmā jaunā tipa (Valdemāra) jūrskola Latvijas teritorijā. Dibināta 1864. gada 23. novembrī pēc Krišjāņa Valdemāra iniciatīvas. Tās izveide veicināja ne tikai turīgas latviešu jūrniecības rašanos, bet attīstīja Latvijas piekrastes reģionus daudz plašākā nozīmē- sākot no kokapstrādes, kuģubūves, apgādes un beidzot ar tirdzniecību un jaunu ekonomisko un zinātnisko ideju ieviešanu

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        01.01.1885 | Maskavā sāk iznākt "Zinības un rakstniecības mēnešraksts "Austrums""

        Akadēmiskās vienības “Austrums” aizsākumi meklējami 19. gs. 60. gados - “pirmās latviešu tautiskās atmodas” laikmetā. Maskavā un Pēterburgā, arī Tērbatā (Tartu) un Rīgā 19. gs. vidū jau darbojās dažādu Krievijas apgabalu studentu vienības un radās arī nacionālie studentu pulciņi. Maskavā ar laiku izauga arī latviešu studentu pulciņš, kas nebija oficiāla organizācija un kura sākums ir cieši saistīts ar jaunlatviešu ideologa Krišjāņa Valdemāra vārdu, kurš 1867. g. ieradās Maskavā. Tieši jaunlatviešu studentu pulciņa darbībā meklējami “Austruma” gara un centienu sākumi, kur dzima un veidojās latviešu atmodas laikmeta ideoloģija. Laikā līdz 80. gadiem Maskavā ieradās arī Kr. Barons, Fr. Treilands-Brīvzemnieks, Kr. Kalniņš, J. Krīgers-Krodznieks, A. Bandrēvičs, J. Velme un citi. 1885. g. Maskavā sāka iznākt žurnāls “Austrums” J. Velmes vadībā. Minētās personas aktīvi darbojās un kļuva par latviešu inteliģences kodolu Maskavā.

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