Bagrat de Bagration y de Baviera

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Pirmslaulību (cits) uzvārds:
Bagrat Bagration-Moukhransky, Prince Bagration-Moukhransky
Papildu vārdi:
Баграт Багратион-Мухранский
Aristokrāts, Kņazs
 gruzīns, spānis
Norādīt kapsētu

Bagrat de Bagration y de Baviera, also Bagrat Bagration-Moukhransky, Prince Bagration-Moukhransky (born 12 January 1949) is Spanish-Georgian nobleman, member of the House of Mukhrani.


He was born in Madrid, Spain, as the third child of Irakli Bagration of Mukhrani and Infanta Doña María de las Mercedes of Bavaria and Bourbon. Jorge de Bagration is his elder half brother and his sister Mariam de Bagration.

He was baptised at his home in Madrid on 2 February 1949 as Bragrat Juan María de Fátima de Todos los Santos by the Patriarch of Madrid-Alcalá and the Indias. His Godparents were HRH Don Juan de Borbón, and HRH Princess María Mercedes of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Count and Countess of Barcelona. He was then presented by his mother to the Virgin of Atocha. He is a Knight of Honour and Devotion of the Sovereign Order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem of Rodas and Malta. (Spanish association) No. 21658 as decreed in the Magisterial Palace of Rome on 31 January 1980).



On the paternal side, Prince Bagrat is the great-grandson of Alexandre Bagration-Moukhrani and Marie Golovatcheff, of Count Sigismond Zlotniki-Zlotniki and Maria Eristoff of Ksani, and of George Bagration of Mukhrani and Helena Zlotnicka.

His maternal ancestors include Prince Ludwig Ferdinand of Bavaria and Infanta María de la Paz of Spain, as well as Alfonso XII, King of Spain, and Maria Christina of Austria, Queen of Spain.

Personal life

Bagrat married Doña María del Carmen de Ulloa y Suelves (b. 6 May 1953) on 12 November 1976 at San Jerónimo el Real in Madrid. María del Carmen is the daughter of Gonzalo Maria de Ulloa y Ramírez de Haro, 10th Marquess of Castro-Serna and 12nd Count of Adanero, and of María Josefa de Suelves y Ponsich. From this marriage were born:

  • Juan Jorge Bagration of Mukhrani, born on 18 August 1977 in Madrid; married Florianne del Rio Thorn in 2003, the couple divorced without descendants in 2008. Juan remarried, in 2014, the Georgian model Kristine Dzidziguri.
  • Inés Bagration of Mukhrani, born on 4 of December 1980 in Madrid.

The couple were divorced on 16 September 2005, and Bagrat remarried in a civil ceremony to Mme Françoise Cazaudehore on 7 March 2009 in Saint Germain-en-Laye, France.


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        Saistītās personas vārdsSaitesDzimšanas datumsMiršanas datumsApraksts
        1Ираклий  Багратион-МухранскийИраклий Багратион-МухранскийTēvs21.03.190930.10.1977
        2Мария де лас Мерседес  Баварская и БурбонМария де лас Мерседес Баварская и БурбонMāte03.10.191111.09.1953
        3Георгий БагратионГеоргий БагратионBrālis22.02.194416.01.2008
        4Princess Leonida  BagrationPrincess Leonida BagrationTante06.10.191423.05.2010
        5Prince Ferdinand  of BavariaPrince Ferdinand of BavariaVectēvs10.05.188405.10.1958
        6Георгий  XIIIГеоргий XIIIVectēvs16.07.188529.09.1957
        7Prince Ludwig Ferdinand of BavariaPrince Ludwig Ferdinand of BavariaVecvectēvs22.10.185923.11.1949
        8Александр Багратион-МухранскийАлександр Багратион-МухранскийVecvectēvs20.07.185319.10.1918

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