Vladimir Aleksandrovitch Korolkov

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Vladimir Alexandrovich Korolkov  (07.11.1907 -01.05.1987)

Chess composer of endgame studies

From today's perspective, he can be counted among the best chess study composers before the computer era

Vladimir Alexandrovich Korolkov (Russian: Владимир Александрович Корольков) is a Russian composer of chess problems and chess endgames (7. November 1907 in Krasnodar and died there19. May 1987 in Leningrad.)

An extraordinary specialist in artistic of endgame study composing, he was appointed International Judge of Chess Composition in 1956 and received the title of International Master of Chess Composition in 1965 and the title of International Grandmaster of Chess Composition in 1976. He won more than 150 prizes for composition in the artistic chess studies. Some of his studies got famous.

Vladimir Korolkov was an electrical engineer by profession.

He won the first unofficial chess composition championship organized in the USSR in 1929 and shared first place with Mark Liburkin in the second official Soviet championship in 1947–1948. He was the only winner of the seventh composition championship 1962–19641.

Notes and references
(in) David Hooper and Kenneth Whyld, The Oxford Companion to Chess, Oxford University Press, 1992, 2nd ed. , p. 208
Document used to write the article: Document used as a source for writing this article.

Nicolas Giffard and Alain Biénabe, The New Guide to Chess. Complete treatise, Paris, Robert Laffont, Coll. "Books", 2009, 1710 p. (ISBN 978-2-221-11013-3), p. 1330

Website ARVES: On the Website arves.org are selected 11 endgame studies composed by him. 

                            The first win -study (Ka1/Kh8) with solution 1.f7 Ra6+ 2.Ba3! and so on got very famous.


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