Alif Hajiyev

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Pirmslaulību (cits) uzvārds:
Alif Haciyev Latif oglu
Papildu vārdi:
Алиф Латиф оглы Гаджиев, Alif Lətif oğlu Hacıyev
Militārpersona, karavīrs, Tautas varonis
Norādīt kapsētu

Alif Haciyev Latif oglu (Azerbaijani: Alif Haciyev Lətif oğlu) (June 24, 1953, Khojaly, NKAO, Azerbaijan - February 26, 1992, Khojaly, Azerbaijan) was an Azerbaijani officer, Commandant of Khojaly Airport and National Hero of Azerbaijan.

Early years

Alif Hajiyev was born on June 24, 1953 in Khojaly. From 1971 through 1973, Hajiyev served in Soviet Armed Forces and was stationed in Minsk, Belarus. In 1974–84, he held various positions in Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belorussian SSR and militia of NKAO of Azerbaijan SSR. In December 1990, Alif Hajiyev was appointed head of administration and commandant of Khojaly airport. In December 1991, Hajiyev was promoted to a rank of major.

Khojaly Massacre


Alif Hajiyev helped the completely surrounded town survive for a few month with no gas and electricity, limited supply of food. When the Armenian offensive from three sides started on February 25, Alef gave an order to evacuate the town. The few defenders along with Hajiyev escorted the crowd of civilians along the Gorgor river valley overnight to the open plain near the village Nakhichevanli, just six miles away from Azerbaijani positions in Shelli village of Agdam. That's where the mass killing of Azerbaijani civilians by Armenian militants occurred in the early morning hours of February 26 which became known as Khojaly Massacre.


Alif Hajiyev was one of the few Azeri combatants escorting hundreds of Azerbaijani civilians fleeing Khojaly. While crossing a road in groups, civilians were defended by Hajiyev who exchanged fire with Armenian troops. While covering the third group, Hajiyev was shot dead while trying to change the magazine. The bullet hit him in the head. Hajiyev was one of 40 defendants of the city which were stationed in Khojaly. Only 10 survived. 613 Azerbaijanis died on February 26. Hajiyev was buried in Martyrs' Lane, Baku.

Personal life

He is survived by his wife, Gala Hajiyeva. He was posthumously awarded the title of the National Hero of Azerbaijan.


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