Kornel Filipowicz

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Kornel Filipowicz
Poet, Screenwriter, Scribe, WWII participant
Kraków, Salwator Cemetery

Kornel Filipowicz (27 October 1913 – 28 February 1990) was a Polish novelist, poet and screenwriter, most notable for his short stories.

Works (selection)

  • Mijani (The Ones Passed By, 1943)
  • Powiedz to słowo (Say This Word, 1997)
  • Krajobraz niewzruszony (Landscape Unmoved, 1947)
  • Księżyc nad Nidą (The Moon Over Nida, 1950)
  • Ulica Gołębia (Gołębia Street, 1955)
  • Ciemność i światło (Darkness and Light, 1959)
  • Biały ptak (A White Bird, 1960)
  • Romans prowincjonalny (A Provincial Romance, 1960)
  • Pamiętnik antybohatera (Antihero Diary, 1961)
  • Mój przyjaciel i ryby (My Friend and Fishes, 1963)
  • Jeniec i dziewczyna (A Captive and A Girl, 1964)
  • Ogród pana Nietschke (The Garden of Mr. Nietschke, 1965)
  • Mężczyzna jak dziecko (A Man As a Child, 1967)
  • Co jest w człowieku (What's In the Man, 1971)
  • Śmierć mojego antagonisty (The Death of My Antagonist, 1972)
  • Gdy przychodzi silniejszy (When the Stronger, 1974)
  • Kot w mokrej trawie (A Cat In a Wet Grass, 1977)
  • Dzień wielkiej ryby (The Day of a Great Fish)1978)
  • Zabić jelenia (To Kill a Deer, 1978)
  • Krajobraz, który przeżył śmierć (The Landscape That Survived the Death, 1986)
  • Rozmowy na schodach (Conversations At the Stairs, 1989)
  • Wszystko, co mieć można (All That One Can Have, 1991)
  • Trzy kobiety (Three Woman, 1956)
  • Miejsce na ziemi (A Place on Earth, 1959)
  • Głos z tamtego świata (The Voice From the Other World, 1962)
  • Piekło i Niebo (Heaven and Hell, 1966)
  • Szklana kula (Crystal Ball, 1972)


  • Gold Cross of Merit (1955)
  • Officer's Cross of Polonia Restituta (1963)


Source: wikipedia.org

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        Relation nameRelation typeBirth DateDeath dateDescription
        1Maria JaremaMaria JaremaWife24.11.190801.11.1958
        2Wisława SzymborskaWisława SzymborskaPartner02.07.192301.02.2012

        01.09.1939 | Invasion of Poland

        The Invasion of Poland, also known as the September Campaign or 1939 Defensive War (Polish: Kampania wrześniowa or Wojna obronna 1939 roku) in Poland and the Poland Campaign (German: Polenfeldzug) or Fall Weiß (Case White) in Germany, was an invasion of Poland by Germany, the Soviet Union, and a small Slovak contingent that marked the beginning of World War II in Europe. The German invasion began on 1 September 1939, one week after the signing of the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, while the Soviet invasion commenced on 17 September following the Molotov-Tōgō agreement which terminated the Russian and Japanese hostilities (Nomonhan incident) in the east on 16 September. The campaign ended on 6 October with Germany and the Soviet Union dividing and annexing the whole of Poland.

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