St Peters Church.boxworth, Cambridgeshire

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1 Manor Lane, Boxworth, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB23 4NF, UK
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The nave of St Peter’s is twelfth century, the south aisle fourteenth, the chancel and vestry originating in the seventeenth century.

The church suffered severe storm damage on November 3, 1636 and was rebuilt in 1640. In 1745 the antiquary William Cole of Milton sketched the building, showing a heavy stone spire. Subsequent remodeling formed the appearance of the present rectangular castellated tower. 

Embedded in the outside walls are the remains of the old stone building, a stone corbel face, a Norman window arch and several pieces of old stone with decorative carving, all on the south side. There were two chantry chapels here. A list of chaplains at St Catherine’s Chantry Chapel, Boxworth runs from the founding in 1347 to 1506. Records of the Rectors of St Peter’s Church, Boxworth, commence 1337.


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