Karlis Veidemanis

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Карл Янович Вейдеман
Artist, Victim of repression (genocide) of the Soviet regime
Butovo Shooting Range

[autotranslation without editing]

Born August 9, 1897 (Wenden (Cesis) of the Livonian province) - executed February 26, 1938 (Moscow)

Painter, graphic artist, artist of theatrical and decorative art

Studied at the courses of the Society of Riga Painters-Painters (1915), at the Drawing School of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts in Petrograd (1915-1917).

In 1916 he was mobilized for military service; during the October Revolution he was in the Red Guard, was in the protection of Smolny in Petrograd and the Kremlin in Moscow.

In 1919 he was sent to continue his education at the State Free Art Studios - Vkhutemas in Moscow (1919-1922), studied under the guidance of P. P. Konchalovsky.

Lived in Moscow. Member of the Latvian cultural and educational society "Prometheus" (1919). Designed performances at the New Latvian Theater in Petrograd (The Golden Horse by J. Rainis, 1915) and the Skatuve Theater under the Prometheus Society in Moscow (Vey, Breeze by J. Rainis, 1927; Razlom by B. A. Lavrenev, 1933).

In 1923–1924 he visited Germany; executed a series of drawings "Views of Berlin" (1924).

In the 1930s he worked under contracts with the Moscow Union of Artists. He repeatedly made creative trips around the USSR: he visited Uzbekistan (1929), Dagestan (1931), Kazakhstan (1934). Created a series of drawings "Caucasus" (1934).

He performed thematic paintings, portrait painter, landscape painter. Author of paintings: "Portrait of Nette" (1923), "Zhiguli" (1925), "Portrait of the Artist's Wife" (1926), "Latvian Riflemen under the Eagle in 1919" (1928), "In a Coal Mine" (1928), "Portrait of J. F. Fabricius" (1928), "Samarkand. Old city. On the Registan ”(1929),“ Blast furnace number 5 ”(1930),“ Saturday industrialization in the Leningrad port ”(1931),“ Nizhny Tagil. In the quarry "(1932)," Kazakhstan. Karaganda. Drilling operations in the steppe "(1934)," On the Oka. Pier "(1934); “Red Army men harvesting cotton”, “Forcing the Dnieper by Latvian units near Kakhovka. 1920 "(early 1930s); series "On Sparrow Hills" (1934).

He worked as a poster artist; author of the poster: "The construction industry requires highly qualified personnel" (1930).

Since 1918 - participant of exhibitions (5th State Exhibition of Paintings in Moscow). Member of the associations "Genesis" (1925-1928), AHRR - AHR (from 1928). Participated in exhibitions: 1st (1925; Moscow, Saratov, Volgograd, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod) and 3rd (1931, Sverdlovsk, Magnitogorsk, Omsk, Alma-Ata, Tashkent, Samarkand and others) State traveling exhibitions organized by the sector arts of the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR in the cities of the RSFSR and the Union Republics; Art exhibition of paintings by contemporary Moscow and local artists (1925), XXI exhibition of paintings dedicated to heroes of labor, shock workers of socialist construction and the third, decisive year of the five-year plan (1931) in Ryazan; "The Red Army in Soviet Art", "Socialist Construction in Soviet Art" (both - 1930), reporting works of artists sent to the regions of industrial and collective farm construction (1931), the Anti-imperialist Exhibition dedicated to the International Red Day (1931), the Spring Exhibition of Moscow painters (1935) in Moscow; "Artists of the RSFSR for 15 years" (1932-1933) in Leningrad and Moscow; a traveling exhibition of paintings, drawings and graphics by Moscow artists in Kharkov (1932); "XV years of the Red Army" (1934-1935) in Leningrad, Kiev, Kharkov. Held a personal exhibition in Moscow (1935).

He was arrested on the night of January 16-17, 1938 on charges of belonging to a counter-revolutionary fascist terrorist organization; later shot at the Butovo training ground.

In 1956 he was rehabilitated posthumously.

Creativity is presented in a number of museum collections, among them - the Latvian National Museum of Art in Riga, the State Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow, the Rybinsk State Historical-Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve.


Born 1897, Латвия, г. Венден; латыш; высшее;

художник, работал по договорам с Московским Союзом советских художников.

Lived: Москва, Болотная ул., д. 18, кв. 43.

Arrested: 17 January 1938.

Sentenced: Комиссией НКВД СССР 11 February 1938.

Charged: участии в контрреволюционной нацистской фашистской организации.

Shot: 26 February 1938.

Buried: место захоронения - Московская обл., Бутово.

Rehabilitated: 0 September 1956.

Source: Москва, расстрельные списки - Бутовский полигон

File number: том II, стр.110, место хранения дела - ГА РФ.


Source: memo.ru

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