Mikołaj Bołtuć

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Mikołaj Bołtuć
General, Hero of nation, Nobleman, landlord, WWI participant, WWII participant
Warszawa, Powązki Military Cemetery

Mikołaj Bołtuć (born 21 December 1893 in Petersburg, killed in battle 22 September 1939 near Łomianki) was a brigadier-general of the Polish Army, commanded the IV Polish infantry Division during World War II. he was the son of Ignacy Bołtuć, Russian General of Polish descent, coat of arms Dołęga and Anna Bołtuciowa, de domo Łabuńska, of Rzeczyca.


Joined the Russian Kadet officers school in Omsk at age seven. Participated in the Russian-Finnish war (of 1917) with distinction; socially circulated close to the court of Nicholas II. As a captain of the (white) Russian army fought the revolutionary forces, till evacuation of Odessa where he commanded the last leaving vessel. Joined the Polish military, commanding units near Kamieniec Podolski and elsewhere. During the Soviet-Polish war of 1920 commanded Strzelcy Kaniowscy. Against the orders of Gen. Haller (and with support of Gen. Kuliński and the head of French advisors Gen. Mourreau) Bołtuć, still as a captain, took Wyszków (18-20.08), the location of the puppet government organized by the Bolsheviks. Also commanded the defense of Zamość (25.08 - 02.09.1920). Between the wars worked for the General Command, later command functions in Wilno and Toruń. His nominations to the general rank were held for several years, in part due to his anti-religious attitude and reservations towards Poland's military spending patterns. Known for clarity of judgment and leadership skills, also under enemy fire. During World War II commanded an Operation Group (a unit short of an army) within the Army Pomorze. The only Polish unit that, for two days, entered the territory of East Prussia during World War II, withstanding attacks of much larger German forces. Due to the danger of being flanked Boltuc had to withdraw to Modlin. When the Modlin Stronghold was not able to accept his soldiers, only the officers, he let his soldiers demobilize, which most did not do. He also encouraged volunteers to go with him and try to sneak through the German siege of Warsaw. According to written family records, leaving home before World War II he said "This is not the war we are going to win and I am not the kind of a soldier who would surrender". In the morning of 22 September died in battle, with over 2000 soldiers, on the battle field near Łomianki, under the sniper fire. Most of his soldiers are at the Łomianki cemetery near Warsaw. Gen. Boltuc's tomb, in a form of a field stone, is at the Powązki Military Cemetery in Warsaw.


Source: wikipedia.org

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        01.09.1939 | Invasion of Poland

        The Invasion of Poland, also known as the September Campaign or 1939 Defensive War (Polish: Kampania wrześniowa or Wojna obronna 1939 roku) in Poland and the Poland Campaign (German: Polenfeldzug) or Fall Weiß (Case White) in Germany, was an invasion of Poland by Germany, the Soviet Union, and a small Slovak contingent that marked the beginning of World War II in Europe. The German invasion began on 1 September 1939, one week after the signing of the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, while the Soviet invasion commenced on 17 September following the Molotov-Tōgō agreement which terminated the Russian and Japanese hostilities (Nomonhan incident) in the east on 16 September. The campaign ended on 6 October with Germany and the Soviet Union dividing and annexing the whole of Poland.

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        09.09.1939 | Battle of the Bzura

        The Battle of the Bzura (or Kutno or Battle of Kutno — German name) was a battle in the opening campaign of World War II during the 1939 German invasion of Poland, fought between 9 and 19 September, 1939, between Polish and German forces. Initially a Polish counter-offensive, the Germans outflanked the Polish forces and took all of western Poland. It was the single largest battle in the 1939 September campaign and took place to the west of Warsaw, near the Bzura River. In it, a Polish breakout attack gained initial success but eventually faltered after a concentrated German counterattack.

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        21.09.1939 | Kampania wrześniowa: obrona Palmir

        Obrona Palmir 1939 – działania wojenne prowadzone w dniu 21 września 1939 r. podczas wojny obronnej 1939 r. mające doprowadzić do obrony składów amunicyjnych w Palmirach w Puszczy Kampinoskiej przed atakiem wojsk niemieckich.

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        22.09.1939 | Kampania wrześniowa: bitwa pod Łomiankami

        Bitwa pod Łomiankami – bitwa kampanii wrześniowej w rejonie wsi Łomianki koło Warszawy, która odbyła się 22 września 1939 roku pomiędzy niedobitkami wojsk polskich z Armii Pomorze i Poznań pod dowództwem generała Mikołaja Bołtucia (około 5000 żołnierzy), a wojskami niemieckimi blokującymi oblężoną Warszawę. Bój ten zakończył bitwę nad Bzurą.

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