George Hewlett Mapp

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WWI participant
Çanakkale, Green Hill Cemetery

Born: London, England

Died: Turkey (including Gallipoli)

Family:  Son of George and Ellen S. Mapp, of 35, Ranelagh Rd., Ealing, London, North Kensington, London.


Rank: Serjeant

Regiment: City of London Yeomanry (Rough Riders)



The City of London Yeomanry had originally been formed in 1900 as the 20th Battalion, Imperial Yeomanry, and designated for service in the Second Boer War.

The battalion's adopted nickname of the "Rough Riders" was taken from the US cavalry regiment that fought in the Spanish–American War.

In accordance with the Territorial and Reserve Forces Act 1907 (7 Edw. 7, c.9) which brought the Territorial Force into being, the TF was intended to be a home defence force for service during wartime and members could not be compelled to serve outside the country.

However, on the outbreak of war on 4 August 1914, many members volunteered for Imperial Service. Therefore, TF units were split in August and September 1914 into

  • 1st Line (liable for overseas service) and
  • 2nd Line (home service for those unable or unwilling to serve overseas) units.

Later, a 3rd Line was formed to act as a reserve, providing trained replacements for the 1st and 2nd Line regiment


1/1st City of London Yeomanry

By the beginning of the First World War, the regiment consisted of four squadrons and was assigned to the London Mounted Brigade.

The 1st Line regiment mobilized with its brigade and concentrated in Berkshire at the outbreak of war. It joined 2nd Mounted Division on 2 September and moved with the division to East Anglia in November 1914.

On 11 April 1915, the regiment embarked on Scotia and departed Avonmouth for the Mediterranean. It arrived off Cape Helles on 28 April and stood by to land. However, on 1 May it departed again, arriving at Alexandria

on 6 May where it rejoined the 2nd Mounted Division. It was posted to the Suez Canal Defences (near Ismaïlia) by the middle of May and its parent brigade was designated 4th (London) Mounted Brigade.

The regiment was dismounted in August 1915 for service in the Gallipoli Campaign. It left a squadron headquarters and two troops (about 100 officers and men) in Egypt to look after the horses.

The regiment landed at Suvla Bay on the morning of 18 August and moved into reserve positions at Karakol Dagh.

It moved to "C" Beach, Lala Baba on 20 August.

On 21 August it advanced to Chocolate Hill under heavy fire and took part in the attack on Hill 112. Due to losses during the Battle of Scimitar Hill and wastage during August 1915, the 2nd Mounted Division had to be reorganised.

On 4 September 1915, the 2nd Composite Mounted Brigade was formed from the 3rd (Notts and Derby) and 4th (London) Mounted Brigades. The regiment formed part of a battalion sized unit 4th London Regiment.

The regiment embarked for Mudros on 2 November and returned to Egypt in December 1915 where it was reformed and remounted



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