James Alexander Grimsley, Jr.

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James Alexander Grimsley, Jr.
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James Alexander Grimsley, Jr. (November 14, 1921 - June 11, 2013), a major general in the United States Army, was President of The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina from 1980 to 1989.


Grimsley was born and raised in Florence, South Carolina. After graduating with The Citadel, class of 1942, he was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the US Army and immediately went to the Pacific Theater to fight in World War II. He held numerous high leadership positions including command of an infantry brigade in Vietnam, a tour as Assistant Commander of the 2d Armored Division and service on the Army General Staff. His career culminated with an assignment as a Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense. After 33 years of service, Grimsley retired from the active duty in 1975.

Grimsley came to The Citadel in 1975 as Vice President for Administration and Finance; he was named President in 1980 upon the retirement of his predecessor, Vice Admiral James B. Stockdale. His tenure at the Citadel was marked by a return to traditional values in the corps of cadets, a significant increase in applications, major physical improvements to the campus and rising academic rankings.


When Grimsley retired in 1989, he was named President Emeritus. This distinction had previously only been given to GeneralCharles Summerall and General Mark Clark.


During Grimsley's active duty career, he received 35 major decorations, including the following:


CIB2.gif Combat Infantryman Badge (2 awards)

 Distinguished Service Medal Bronze oak leaf cluster

 Silver Star with oak leaf cluster Bronze oak leaf clusterBronze oak leaf clusterBronze oak leaf cluster

 Legion of Merit with three oak leaf clusters VBronze oak leaf clusterBronze oak leaf clusterBronze oak leaf cluster Bronze Star with three oak leaf clusters

 Air Medal with award numera

 Joint Service Commendation Medal Bronze oak leaf clusterBronze oak leaf cluster

 Army Commendation Medal Bronze oak leaf clusterBronze oak leaf cluster

 Purple Heart with two oak leaf clusters

 American Campaign Medal ArrowheadBronze starBronze starBronze star

 Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal with arrowhead device and three service stars

 World War II Victory Medal (United States)

 Army of Occupation Medal Bronze oak leaf cluster

 National Defense Service Medal with oak leaf cluster Bronze starBronze star

 Vietnam Service Medal Bronze star Philippine Liberation Medal Bronze star

 Vietnam Gallantry Cross with palm and bronze star

 Vietnam Campaign Medal

Vietnam Gallantry Cross Unit Citation

Avoti: wikipedia.org

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