Isaak Rips

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Papildu vārdi:
Rips Isaak Davidovitch
2. Pasaules kara dalībnieks
Norādīt kapsētu
RIPS ISAAK DAVIDOVITCH, 7.04.1921, Irkutsk, lived in Riga. Jewish industrial school electro-mechan. branch. Remained in Nazi's occupation, passed through ghetto and cone. camp. "Kaiserwald", in Dec. 1944 liberat. from cone. camp. Shtuthof, mobilz. in sov. army 76 Gu Rifle div at. 1 Byelor. front in Germany, remained in army till Sept. 1945., demobilz. Returned to Riga, worked as chief of department in Central board of light industry , then as manager of shop till 1971, when departed to Israel, from 1979 lived in Germany. Died 11.05.1994. [pic]

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