George Augustus Auden

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Археолог, Медик, Педагог, учитель, Писатель, Ученый
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George Augustus Auden (1872–1957) was an English physician, professor of public health, school medical officer, and writer on archaeological subjects.

Auden was born at Horninglow, Burton-upon-Trent where his father John was the first vicar of the Church of St John the Divine. He was educated at Repton and at Christ's College, Cambridge, taking a first-class degree in natural sciences in 1893. He studied medicine at St Bartholomew's Hospital, London, and qualified in medicine in 1896. He then held several medical appointments in London before moving to York, where he was physician at York County Hospital for fourteen years. His son W. H. Auden was born at 54 Bootham, York, in 1907, and in 1908 he moved to Birmingham, where he became the first School Medical Officer and Lecturer in Public Health at Birmingham University. Here he gained an international reputation as an innovative researcher and educator. During the First World War he served as a medical officer in the British Army in Egypt, Gallipoli, and France. He retired as School Medical Officer in 1937, but continued at the University and became Professor of Public Health in 1941.

He married Constance Rosalie Bicknell in 1899. They had three sons: Bernard, who became a farmer; the geologist John Bicknell Auden; and the poet W. H. Auden.

His archaeological interests are reflected in Historical and Scientific Survey of York and District (1906), which he edited, and to which he contributed the chapter on prehistoric archaeology.


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        ИмяРодствоДата рожденияДата смертиОписание
        1John Bicknell AudenJohn Bicknell AudenСын14.12.190321.01.1991
        2Уистен Хью ОденУистен Хью ОденСын21.02.190729.09.1973
        3Эрика МаннЭрика МаннНевестка09.11.190527.08.1969

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