Matt Moore

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Matthew Moore
Aktieris, Režisors
Jaunā Golgātas kapsēta, Los Andželosa

Matthew Moore (January 8, 1888 – January 21, 1960) was an Irish-born American actor and director. He appeared in at least 221 motion pictures from 1912 to 1958.


Born in Kells, Ireland, he and his brothers, Tom, Owen, and Joe (1895–1926), and a sister Mary Moore(1890-1919), he emigrated to the United States as a steerage passenger on board the S.S. Anchoria and was inspected on Ellis Island in May 1896 . They all went on to successful movie careers.

Once his brothers made a name for themselves, Moore made his debut in the role as the minister in the silent short Tangled Relations (1912) starring Florence Lawrence and Owen Moore. In 1913, Matt Moore had a prominent role in the "white slavery" drama, Traffic in Souls.

Moore played the role as Hector MacDonald in the MGM crime/drama The Unholy Three (1925) co-starring Lon Chaney and Mae Busch, which was a huge hit that year. He played the role as Stanley "Stan" Wentworth in Coquette (1929) opposite Mary Pickford and Johnny Mack Brown. Coquette was the first talkie of Pickford, ex-wife of his brother Owen.

As time passed, Moore took smaller character roles and remained active in the motion picture industry. His final appearance was in the uncredited role as Charlie Bates in the horror/thriller I Bury the Living (1958), which starred Richard Boone and Theodore Bikel.

Matt Moore died at age 72 in Hollywood. He has a star for his work in motions pictures on the Hollywood Walk of Fame at 6301 Hollywood Boulevard. He was very fond of his two cats, having them appear in several of his movies, and both have a star in the animal section of the Hollywood Walk of Fame.


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        Saistītās personas vārdsSaitesDzimšanas datumsMiršanas datumsApraksts
        1Owen MooreOwen MooreBrālis12.12.188609.06.1939
        2Tom MooreTom MooreBrālis01.05.188312.02.1955
        3Alice JoyceAlice JoyceSvaine01.10.189009.10.1955
        4Katherine PerryKatherine PerrySvaine05.01.189714.10.1983
        5Renée AdoréeRenée AdoréeSvaine30.09.189805.10.1933
        6Mērija PikfordaMērija PikfordaSvaine, Darba biedrs08.04.189229.05.1979

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